Missing JwaJwa 1/5/2020


Ronny Ruesch ronnyruesch@gmail.com

Sun, Jan 5, 2020, 12:02 PM
to Joshua
Dear Elder Ruesch,

Only three days have passed since we dropped you off at the MTC. We have been having a heck of a time here trying to get all of the bedrooms situated. 

We've been staying very busy, but still everyone misses you. Even Malachi, last night at the Winter Ball, started saying "unt Jwajwa." He said it several times.

I love you, Joshua, and I'm very proud of all of your righteous decisions. I hope you have had a good Sabbath day and are learning and growing a great deal from your MTC experience. You really do have the best two years ahead of you. Pray constantly, and do everything you can to keep the Spirit with you, and you will grow more and faster than you ever thought possible.

If you need any advice or help, rely on your companion and president, but also don't be afraid to turn to me and your mother. We've been where you are. Let our wisdom and experience benefit you too. I love you.


Your Dad
Ronny Platte Ruesch

On Thu, Jan 2, 2020, 9:45 PM Joshua Ruesch <joshua.ruesch@missionary.org> wrote:
Forgot to tell everyone, my P-day is Wednesday. Today was the single exception to that. Talk to you then! 

On Thu, Jan 2, 2020, 1:37 PM Joshua Ruesch <joshua.ruesch@missionary.org> wrote:
Hey, everyone! If you are receiving this email, that means you were among the chosen few on my email list. Lucky you.

I'm here in my first class, where they told us to send an email to you. So far, it's fun. I'm in the best apartment (in building R2!) so that's awesome.

That's really all so far. It's exciting! 


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